Friday, May 15, 2009

Rockin' Robin (TWEET TWEET)

New York Times article about Twitter was the only interesting thing I "discovered". Well, that and the fact that even FOUR PER CENT of people in my age group are Twits. TwitterVision was an interesting geography lesson... What can you say in 140 characters? Not much. I understand that it's the aggregation of the tweets that build up to something interesting, but I also see why most (many?) people sign up and within a month sign off/out. WHO HAS THE TIME? The appeal to kids (basically gossip) is understandable, within their peer group. The small town feel that eventually becomes claustrophobic...

Mashups were not explained (were they?). I was forced to go to Wikipedia, a source I am very wary of. "A digital mashup is a digital media file containing any or all of text, graphics, audio, video and animation drawn from pre-existing sources, to create a new derivative work[1]. Digital text mashups, for example, appear by the thousands every day as users of blogs and online forums copy and paste digital text in juxtaposition to comment on topics of interest, while fan-created video/audio mashups juxtaposing commercially produced video clips with favorite pop songs constitute a major portion of YouTube content." OK, again, at least now I know what it is.

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